2019/20 Girls Development Program *** In an effort to keep players safe, the final tournament in Richmond has been cancelled. Our GDP season is now officially over, except for team parties to celebrate the end of the season. Looking ahead, our next program is 2020 Summer Development Camp for 12U-19U players. Click here for more info. *** Welcome to the 2019-20 season with the Girls Development Program (GDP). We're offering a 12U and 14U development team in a 24-week season, including 3 tournaments. We are also offering a Thursday night skill session for 14U-19U players and a travel tournament for 10U GDP players. OVERVIEW BY TEAM 10U GDP - Head Coach: Kate Wiggin. Email: [email protected]. Associate Coach: Chelsea Moore. 1) Richmond Ice Classic - Mar 20-22, 2020 in British Columbia. More info here. Our 10U GDP team will attend the Richmond Ice Classic March 20-22, 2020. In addition, players will participate in two pre-tournament practices at at Sherwood Ice Arena on 3/8 and 3/15 - both at 7:25-8:25am. Players ages 8, 9, and 10 with birth years 2009, 2010, and 2011 are welcome -- and may be eligible even if they missed try outs. We now have 15 players on the roster (hurray) but we can take a few more! Contact Coach Kate for details at [email protected]. NOTE: Players age 7 (birth year 2012) or younger who are interested in friendly scrimmages with teams in Seattle or elsewhere should contact Coach Wendy Fedderly via [email protected]. 12U GDP - Head Coach: Justin Rock. Associate Coaches: Claire Houx-Schaeffer and Erin McAuliffe. Team Manager: Jeff Hutchinson. 1) Miss Americans Tournament - Sep 20-22, 2019 in Pasco, WA. More info here. 2) MLK Girls/Women Ice Hockey Tournament - Jan 17-20, 2020 in San Jose, CA. More info here. 3) Richmond Ice Classic - Mar 20-22, 2020 in British Columbia. More info here. 4) Have a question? Email Coach Rock at [email protected] Our 12U GDP team will do weekly dry-land training/ice time as well as 3 travel tournaments (with the option of doing more if families express interest). NOTE: Players can participate on both our GDP teams & the Skills/Compete teams. 14U GDP - Head Coach: Courtney Carnes. Associate Coaches: Odie Miller and Shawn Fendick. Team Manager: Jan Clarke. 1) MLK Girls/Women Ice Hockey Tournament - Jan 17-20, 2020 in San Jose, CA. More info here. 2) Angels on Ice Tournament - Dec 28-30, 2019. Langley, British Columbia. More info here. 3) Richmond Ice Classic - Mar 20-22, 2020 in British Columbia. More info here. 4) Have a question? Email Coach Court at [email protected]. Our 14U GDP team will do weekly dry-land training/ice time as well as 3 travel tournaments (with the option of doing more if families express interest). NOTE: Players can participate on both our GDP teams & the Skills/Compete teams. 14U thru 19U Weekly Skill Sessions Head Coach: Marissa Powers. Associate Coach: Robin Willins. Practice Coaches: Jen Anderson and Jodi Berris. We are holding Skills Sessions on Thursday nights from 7:05-8:05pm at WSC for 14U through 19U female players. Showtime is 30 min before ice time. Program runs from Dec 12 - Mar 13. Contact Coach Powers ([email protected]) for the schedule and drop-in cost. Advanced registration closed on 12/19. If you plan to attend, please log into SportsYou (available on the web or as an app) with the confirmation code VU6PNYBN to RSVP for each session you'll attend. It's helpful to know the number of participants joining us. Questions? Email Marissa Powers at [email protected]. MORE GOOD INFO House Program Our GDP program is for experienced players selected via an evaluation process. If that doesn't describe your player, please click here for info on our new House program. SCHOLARSHIPS: Our scholarship window for GDP players is now closed. MANDATORY - Please note: (1) Every player requires a valid 2019/20 USA Hockey membership number to register with RCHC. (2) All players are responsible for bringing their own mouth guards (and, yo, wearing ';em or doing sprints). (3) Players doing dry-land training are required to bring sticks, gloves, helmets and suitable athletic shoes. (4) Like last season, all GDP players must also participate in another hockey program such as WJH's Metro or our Girls House Program. Buy Hockey Stuff = Support the Team When you buy items from our team store, you're helping to keep costs down for our players. Click on SquadLocker to buy a hat, t-shirt, shorts, and other neat gifts for your player. Ten percent of the proceeds go to us, a nonprofit organization. Changes to Rink Schedule: Sometimes rinks have last-minute changes to their schedules. We'll do our best to minimize the impact on your player's experience and on our program overall. Thanks for your patience & understanding. Psst: Hey, what's a development program? Good question. Development programs are designed for players who are committed to playing competitively. Such players are often hoping to play college hockey and beyond. In addition, a development program is often a stepping stone between a regular season/house program and a travel team. A House program often involves little or no tournament travel while the latter, a travel team, often involves up to 7-8 tournaments per season. Our development program will offer 3 tournaments with the option of doing more (if there are enough families interested in doing so). Our Girls Development Program (known as the GDP) is intended for competitive players with considerable hockey experience. They will need to participate in an evaluation skate to be part of the program. They will also be required to play in another hockey program (such as RCHC's regular season or WJH's metro league) and do dry-land training. Ice times will focus on individual skill and team development. RCHC goal is to raise the overall level of play, meet developmental needs, foster team play, and support player retention. Contact Us: Have a question or concern? Drop us a line anytime at [email protected]. Otherwise, the best way to stay informed is to sign up for our newsletter, "like" us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @PDXGirlsHockey. (Tons of great pics & videos there too!) |